Stoke Green Cricket Club News story

Notice of Annual General Meeting - Sunday 27th November at 6pm

09 Nov 2022

Dear Club members,

As we come to the end of the year, it is time to have our AGM. This will take place on Sunday 27th November 2022 at 6pm in the clubhouse.

If you wish to stand for any committee roles or club captain positions and are not currently in any of those please email me by 20th November indicating your interest and the position you wish to be nominated for.

Additionally, if you have any proposals or agenda items that you would like to discuss at the AGM please email me with as much detail as possible before the AGM. My email address is

Please note only fully paid members (include membership fees or subs) will be allowed to nominate, second or vote on agenda items that reach that stage of proceedings.


Avtar S Banse

Honorary Secretary

Stoke Green Cricket Club